RV Conversion Part 2 and Trial-Out
A month has gone by since my first update on the RV conversion. I am happy to report to get close to the finish line, but here is a more detailed update. Progress was much slower than during the first month. I guess the first rush of excitement faded to the realization this project is more w**k than I anticipated. Also, lacking a good work surface in the garage, I used the floor and the constant up and down and kneeling on the floor took its toll and I started to have pretty bad pain in my right knee which also did not help with my running. I realized I had to slow down and I gave myself a mandatory five day PTO. Phase 1: Floor & insulation Status: Still 90% done I still need to put down the vinyl flooring (Phase 6) and install the RV table. The 2'x2' table top came in from Amazon, but it is way too heavy! I think I will just use regular 1/2" plywood for this. As I now have a good table/countertop in the back cabinet I will put this on the back burner for now. Phas...